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Cells with chloroplasts containing chlorophyll a and b |
TOP | Chlorophyceae | Ulvophyceae | Gamophyceae | Trebouxiophyceae | Prasinophyceae | Others |
TOP | Chlorophyceae | Ulvophyceae | Gamophyceae | Trebouxiophyceae | Prasinophyceae | Others |
TOP | Chlorophyceae | Ulvophyceae | Gamophyceae | Trebouxiophyceae | Prasinophyceae | Others |
Gamophyceae (or Charophyceae: Zygnematales)
Ornatae: Cell surface granulated or spiny; semicells circular, elliptical or reniform
granulatum (2), logiense (13), ornatum (12), perincisum (4), portianum (15), reniforme (11), sp.1 (2)
Cristatae: Cell surface granulated, gnarled or spiny; semicells half circle, half ellipsoid
caelatum (1), echinodermum (1), heterodentatum (2), intermedium (6), nasutum (1),
margispinatum (1), quadrifarium (32), sp.1 (1)
Margaritiferae: Cell surface granulated, gnarled or spiny; semicells pyramidal, diamond-shaped
binum (14), botrytis (25), decoratum (9), formosulum (33), furcatospermum (9),
margaritiferum (39), notabile (7), ochthodes (3), orthostichum (1),
polonicum (1), pseudomagnificum (7), punctulatum (10),
quinarium (2), raciborskii (1), sikhimense (1),
sportella (8), subalatum (1), subcostatum (4), subcrenatum (1), subspeciosum (6),
tetraophthalmum (1), trachypleurum (1), turpinii (2), vexatum (21), sp.1-2 (2),
Tetridium: Cell surface granulated, gnarled or spiny; semicells rectangular
latifrons (2), margaritatum (14), ozense (3), quadrum (9), sp.1 (1)
TOP | Chlorophyceae | Ulvophyceae | Gamophyceae | Trebouxiophyceae | Prasinophyceae | Others |
TOP | Chlorophyceae | Ulvophyceae | Gamophyceae | Trebouxiophyceae | Prasinophyceae | Others |
TOP | Chlorophyceae | Ulvophyceae | Gamophyceae | Trebouxiophyceae | Prasinophyceae | Others |
TOP | Chlorophyceae | Ulvophyceae | Gamophyceae | Trebouxiophyceae | Prasinophyceae | Others |
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