Family: Unicells; cell wall present; two flagella (Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).
Genus: Similar to Chlamydomonas, but lacks chloroplasts; leucoplasts present instead; two equal-length flagella; usually with many starch granules; pyrenoid absent; stigma present or absent; 2 or 4 contractile vacuoles anteriorly located; asexual reproduction by zoospores; sexual reproduction iso- or anisogamous (Illustrated Guide, 2000).
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Similar genus -->> Polytomella;
P. tetraolare
cell μm
flag. μm
Ageo city
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P. tetraolare
cell μm
flag. μm
Yoshimi town
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P. tetraolare
stock Syk-3
dividing cells
Yoshimi town
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P. tetraolare
stock Syk-1
Yoshimi town
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P. tetraolare
cell 16 x 9 μm
flag. 24 μm
Iruma river
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P. tetraolare
cell 14-18 x 8-10 μm
flag. μm
Takao-sakura p.
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P. tetraolare
stock Skit-1, -1b
cell 12-20 x μm
Takao-sakura p.
Saitama, 2005