Family: Unicells; cell wall separating into two parts (Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).
Genus: Test (cellwall) variable in shape, cross section elliptial or circular; its surface coarse or cracked, reddish in color or opaque; protoplast ovoid in shape, apart from the test; two flagella emerging from the space between the tests; chloroplast cup-shaped, with pyrenods; stigma present/absent; nucleus centrally located; two contractile vacuoles apical (Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa 9, Chlorophyta I, 1983).
Google Image Search
Similar genus -->> Dysmorphococcus; Phacotus; Hemitoma;
C. conradii
or C. elliptica ?
cell μm
test μm
flag. μm
Chiba, 2003![]()
Coccomonas sp.
cell 10 μm
test 22 x 20 μm
Sannoh park
Saitama, 2004![]()
Coccomonas sp.
test 21 x 19 μm
Ikenokochi marsh
Fukui, 2004![]()
Coccomonas sp.
test 27 x 22 μm
near Akai wetland
Fukushima, 2005