MENU | 原生生物界 | アルベオラータ | 繊毛虫 | 貧膜口綱 | 周毛亜綱 | ツリガネムシ目 | エピスティリス科

エピスティリス属 Epistylis

| anastatica | articulata | autumnalis | balanorum | balatonica | barbata | bimarginata | branchiophila | breviramosa | cambari | chrysemidis | constricta | coronata | crassicollis | d'udekemi | daphniae | diaptomi | digitalis | elongata | epibioticum | fluitans | fugitans | galea | geleii | harpacticola | hentscheli | horizontalis | humilis | invaginata | jaworowskii | lacustris | longicaudatum | microdiscum | niagarae | nympharum | ophidioidea | ophrydiiformis | perrieri | plicatilis | polenici | pyriformis | rotans | rotatorium | stilleri | tubificis | umbilicata | uroceolata | variabilis | vermicola | vestita | violacea | vittata | zschokkei |

Epistylis1 Epistylis2 Epistylis3
Contributors of these images
1; Epistylis rotans, 2; Epistylis microdiscum (x 400), 3; Epistylis hentscheli (x 400),

Epistylis 亜綱:細胞は3部分からなる。 1)口部域(oral); peristome は明瞭で、周囲に dikinetid fileとoral polykinetid がある。 polykinetidは細胞口(cytostome)があるoral cavity( infundibulum)から出ている。 2)aboral;suction-disc(scopula) を形成するkinetosomes、もしくは、固着性の種では stalkを分泌する。 3)telotroch band;mobile speciesでは常に繊毛があるが、固着性の種では mobileな時期にのみある。


科:成熟trophontは固着性。細胞体は短い。C字型の大核。大半はロリカをもたない。 peristomal discにstalkがつかないが,stalkはある。 stalkには収縮性がない。単独もいれば群体もいる。 stalkのないものはロリカ内にいる。

属:群体生活。口部の繊毛列が peristomal discの周囲を回るのは3回以下。 scopulaは遊泳細胞の中央部にある。

E. cambari
Peristome 50 μm; common on gills of crayfish (How to know the protozoa, 1979).
E. chrysemidis
230-250 μm long; extra collar around peristome when expanded; cytopharynx large, deep; stalk branches dichotomously lacking myonemes; fresh water (How to know the protozoa, 1979).
E. hentscheli
 Kahl, 1935
Cell body trumpet-shaped, slightly curved; 108-234 μm long, 36-79 μm wide; peristome 50-94 μm wide; peristomal disc extends forward with slope; pellicle striated; macronucleus horseshoe-shaped (Kojima, et al., 1995).
E. lacustris
 Imhoff, 1884
Cell body cylindroid; 50-75 μm long, 20-35 μm wide; pellicle striated; peristomal disc mounded; cytopharynx 1/2 of cell body; macronucleus C-shaped; stalk branches dichotomously with longitudinal fine striation (Zensei-Doubutu Zukan, 1981).
E. microdiscum
 Stiller, 1963
Cell body ovoid, 45-55 μm long, 30-35 μm wide; pellicle slightly striated; peristomal disc like mound; cytopharynx straight 1/4 of cell length; contractile vacuole near peristome; macronucleus C-shaped (Zensei-Doubutu Zukan, 1981).
E. niagarae
Up to 180 μm long; on western painted turtle (How to know the protozoa, 1979).
E. rotans
 Svec, 1897
cell body 70-100 μm long, 22-30 μm wide; peristome 32-40 μm wide; pellicle striated; a contractile vacuole anterior; stalk branching with segments (Kojima et al., 1995).
E. urceolata
160 μm long; common on larvae of Chironomus (How to know the protozoa, 1979).

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Species (synonyms)

  1. Epistylis anastatica Linneaus, 1767
  2. Epistylis articulata Fromentel, 1874
  3. Epistylis autumnalis Stokes, 1889
  4. Epistylis balanorum Mereschkowski, 1877
  5. Epistylis balatonica Stiller, 1931
  6. Epistylis barbata Gourret, 1886
  7. Epistylis bimarginata Nenninger
  8. Epistylis branchiophila Perty-Stein, 1859
  9. Epistylis breviramosa Stiller, 1931
  10. Epistylis cambari Kellicott, 1885
  11. Epistylis chrysemidis Bishop & Jahn
  12. Epistylis constricta Kellicott, 1855
  13. Epistylis coronata Nusch
  14. Epistylis crassicollis Stein, 1867
  15. Epistylis d'udekemi (Epistylis grandis D'Udekem, 1864)
  16. Epistylis daphniae Faure-Fremiet, 1905
  17. Epistylis diaptomi Faure-Fremiet, 1905
  18. Epistylis digitalis Ehrenberg, 1838
  19. Epistylis elongata Stokes, 1889
  20. Epistylis epibioticum Banina, 1983
  21. Epistylis fluitans Faure-Fremiet, 1924
  22. Epistylis fugitans Kellicott, 1884
  23. Epistylis galea Ehrenberg, 1835(?)
  24. Epistylis geleii Stiller, 1931
  25. Epistylis harpacticola Kahl, 1933
  26. Epistylis hentscheli Kahl
  27. Epistylis horizontalis Chatton
  28. Epistylis humilis Kellicott, 1887
  29. Epistylis invaginata Claparede & Lachmann, 1858
  30. Epistylis jaworowskii (Epistylis pyriformis Jaworowski, 1893)
  31. Epistylis lacustris Imhoff, 1884
  32. Epistylis longicaudatum Banina, 1983
  33. Epistylis microdiscum Stiller, 1963 (Epistylis ovum Kent, 1881)
  34. Epistylis niagarae Kellicott, 1883
  35. Epistylis nympharum Engelmann, 1862
  36. Epistylis ophidioidea Kellicott, 1884
  37. Epistylis ophrydiiformis Nusslin, 1884
  38. Epistylis perrieri Faure-Fremiet, 1907
  39. Epistylis plicatilis Ehrenberg, 1838
  40. Epistylis polenici Matthes, 1955
  41. Epistylis polenici var. saprobicum Banina
  42. Epistylis pyriformis D'Udekem, 1862
  43. Epistylis rotans Svec, 1897 (Epistylis procumbens Zacharias, 1897)
  44. Epistylis rotatorium
  45. Epistylis stilleri (Epistylis anastatica Stiller, 1859)
  46. Epistylis tubificis D'Udekem, 1864
  47. Epistylis umbilicata Claparede & Lachmann, 1858
  48. Epistylis uroceolata Stiller, 1933
  49. Epistylis variabilis
  50. Epistylis vermicola Kahl, 1933
  51. Epistylis vestita Stokes, 1887
  52. Epistylis violacea Monard, 1918
  53. Epistylis vittata Stokes, 1889
  54. Epistylis zschokkei (Keiser, 1921)


  1. Curds, C.R., Gates, M.A. & Roberts, D.McL., 1983, British and other freshwater ciliated protozoa. Part II Ciliophora: Oligohymenophora and Polyhymenophora., Cambridge University Press.
  2. Curds, C.R., 1982, British and other freshwater ciliated protozoa Part I. Ciliophora: Kinetofragminophora, Cambridge University Press.
  3. Corliss, J.O., 1979, The Ciliated Protozoa - Characterization, Classification and Guide to the Literature, 2nd, Pergamon Press.

  4. Hausmann & Hülsmann, 1996, Protozoology, Thieme Medical Pub.
  5. 岩波・生物学辞典・第4版, 1996, 岩波書店.
  6. Margulis, L., Corliss, J.O., Melkonian, M. and Chapman, D.J. (eds.) , 1990, Handbook of Protoctista. Jones and Bartlett, Boston.
  7. ハウスマン, 扇元訳, 1989, 原生動物学入門、弘学出版.
  8. Margulis & Schwartz, 1988, Five Kingdoms; An illustrated guide to the phyla of life on earth, Second edition, Freeman and Company.
  9. Lee, J.J., Hutner, S.H. & Bovee, E.C. (eds.), 1985, An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa., Society of Protozoologists.
  10. 猪木正三監修, 1981, 原生動物図鑑, 講談社サイエンティフィク.
  11. Kudo, R.R., 1966, Protozoology 5th ed., Charles C Thomas Publisher.

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