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マユガタミズケムシ Urocentrum turbo

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Contributors of these images
1-3; Urocentrum turbo (上下逆),

  1. 形態


  2. 生態

  3. 遺伝

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  1. A. Kahl, Wimpertiere oder Ciliata ( Infusoria ), T.2, Holotricha, G. Fischer, Jena, 1931
  2. G.W. Kidder, W.F. Diller, Biol. Bull., 67, 201, 1934
  3. R.R. Kudo, Protozoology, 5th ed., C.C. Thomas, Springfield, 1966

  4. Corliss, J.O., 1979, The Ciliated Protozoa - Characterization, Classification and Guide to the Literature, 2nd, Pergamon Press.

  5. Hausmann & Hülsmann, 1996, Protozoology, Thieme Medical Pub.
  6. 岩波・生物学辞典・第4版, 1996, 岩波書店.
  7. Margulis, L., Corliss, J.O., Melkonian, M. and Chapman, D.J. (eds.) , 1990, Handbook of Protoctista. Jones and Bartlett, Boston.
  8. ハウスマン, 扇元訳, 1989, 原生動物学入門、弘学出版.
  9. Margulis & Schwartz, 1988, Five Kingdoms; An illustrated guide to the phyla of life on earth, Second edition, Freeman and Company.
  10. Lee, J.J., Hutner, S.H. & Bovee, E.C. (eds.), 1985, An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa., Society of Protozoologists.
  11. 猪木正三監修, 1981, 原生動物図鑑, 講談社サイエンティフィク.
  12. Kudo, R.R., 1966, Protozoology 5th ed., Charles C Thomas Publisher.

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