Update History ; External Evaluation
Welcome! This server is providing images of protists and other microorganisms ( genera, species, samples) and movie clips as research and educational resources. Updated

_ Databases
_ Microbial Digital Specimen Archives
_ Protists
__ Mastigophora | Opalinata | Sarcodia | Ciliophora | Heterokonta | Chlorophyta
__ Phagocytosis | Cell division | Sexual reproduction | Organelle |
__ Endosymbiosis | Cysts | Morphogenesis | Others
_ Prokaryotes: Metazoa: Image & Movie Galleries: Movies: Contributors:

_ Digital Image Books

__ A List of Biodiversity Websites in Japan

Coleps Frontonia Ophiocytium Oedogonium Micrasterias

Copyright Protist Information Server.
No reproduction or republication without written permission.
This database is supported by the "Soken-Taxa" project "Construction of Biological Image Databases" at The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, and by the "Bio-Resource" project "Fundamental research and development for databasing and networking culture collection information" at JST (Japan Science and Technology Corporation).
Edited by Yuuji Tsukii (Laboratory of Biology, Hosei University)