Species [ var. granatum ]:
Cell body small in size, (22.5-39)-47 μm long, (15.4-24)-30 μm wide,
isthmus (5.6-8.6)-9 μm wide, L/W=1.7, isthmus (5.6-8.6)-9 μm
wide; semicells pyramidal in shape, apex slightly flattened,
side view elliptical ovoid, apical view elliptial; cell wall dotted.
[ var. subgranatum ]: Upper half of lateral margins wavy;
24-30 μm long, 17-22 μm wide, isthmus 6-9 μm wide.
[ var. ocellatum ]: A small pore present at the center of semicells,
38-44 μm long, 26-28 μm wide, isthmus 6-9 μm wide
(Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).