Species [ var. depressum ]:
Cell body small in size, wider than length, 33-50 μm long, (36.5-47.5)-50 μm wide,
isthmus 10-15 μm wide; semicells depressed ellipsoid, with slightly flattened apex, side view circular,
apical view elliptical, with a single pyrenoid.
[ var. minor W. et G.S. West ]:
Cell body smaller than var. depressum, 21-28 μm long, 21-25.3
μm wide, isthmus 4.3-8.4 μm wide; semicells elliptical diamond-shaped.
[ var. achondrum (Boldt) W. et G.S. West ]:
Cell body 36-51 μm long, 40-52 μm wide, L/W=1.0;
isthmus 11-17 μm wide; semicells hexagonal ellipsoid, apex broad, flattened
(Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).