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Chlorophyceae: Chlamydomonadales (Volvocales): Chlamydomonadaceae
Volvocida: Chlamydomonadina: Chlamydomonadidae

Chlamydomonas fusus
Ettl 1965

Chloromonas Species: Cell body spindle-shaped, anterior end truncated, up to 6-10 μm long, 2-3 μm wide; stigma located around equator; a chloroplast lateral, pyrenoid central-lateral; nucleus at posterior half of the cell (Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa 9, Chlorophyta I, 1983).

Chlamydomonas fusus Ettl 1965 (or similar species), cell body 6-10 μm long, 4-5 μm wide, chloroplast parietal lateral, a pyrenoid located at the center, x 640, Watarase river, Ashikaga city, Tochigi Pref., Japan, February 1, 2004 by Y. Tsukii
scale 31 μm scale 63 μm scale 94 μm; x 640
Chlamydomonas Chlamydomonas Chlamydomonas

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