研究資料館 |
Ciliate Books
From 1691 -> 1988
- Finlay B.J., Rogerson A., Cowling A.J., A beginner's guide to the collection, isolation, cultivation and identification of freshwater protozoa. CCAP, Ambleside, United Kingdom. 78 pp., 1988.
- Gall J.G., The Molecular Biology of Ciliated Protozoans. Academic Press, New York., 1986.
- Laybourn-Parry J., A functional biology of free-living protozoa. Croom Helm, London., 1984.
- Lipetz P.D., Smith-Sonneborn J., Biology of Aging Conference. Gordon Conf. Laconia, New Hampshire., 1980. mikado
- Nanney D.L., Experimental Ciliatology. Wiley , New York., 1980.
- Cummings D.J., Borst P., David I.B., Weissman S.M., Fox C.F. eds., Extrachromosomal DNA. Academic Press, New York, 564 pp., 1979.
- Jahn T.L., Bovee E.C., Jahn F.F., How to Know the Protozoa. 2nd. ed. W. C. Brown, Dubuque, Iowa., 1979.
- Corliss J.O., The Ciliated Protozoa; Characterization, Classification, and Guide to the Literature, 2nd ed.., Pergamon Press, Oxford and New York, 455 pp., 1979.
- Beale G.H., Knowles J.K.C., Extranuclear Genetics. Arnold Publishers, Ltd. London, 142 pp., 1978.
- Behnke J.A., Finch C.E., Moment G.B., The Biology of Aging. Plenum Press, New York, 400 pp., 1978.
- Prescott D.M., Reproduction of eukaryotic cells. Academic Press, New York., 1976.
- Elliott A.M., Biology of Tetrahymena. Doden, Hutchinson and Ross, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania., 1973.
- Giese A.C., Blepharisma. The biology of a light-sensitive protozoan. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1973.
- Hill D.L., The Biochemistry and Physiology of Tetrahymena. Academic Press, New York, 230 pp., 1972.
- Jurand A., Selman G.G., The Anatomy of Paramecium auleria. Macmillan London; St. Martin's Press, New York., 1969.
- Jurand A., Selman G.G., The anatomy of Paramecium aurelia. Macmillan St. Martin's Press, New York, 1969.
- Grell K.G., Protozoologie, 2nd ed. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York., 1968.
- kudo R.R., Protozoology, 5th ed., Charles C Thomas, Springfield, Illinois., 1966.
- Buchner P., Endosymbioses of Animals with Plant Microorganisms. Wiley, New York., 1965.
- Dembowski J., Historia Naturalna Jednego Pierwotniaka. 2nd. ed. Panstwowe Zaklady Wzdawnictw Szkolnych, Warsaw., 1962.
- Tartar V., The Biology of Stentor. Pergamon Press, New York., 1961.
- Fraenkel G.S., Gunn D.L., The Orientation of Animals. Dover, New York., 1961.
- Beale G.H., The genetics of Paramecium aurelia. Cambridge, University Press, 1954.
- Wichterman R., The biology of Paramecium. The Blakiston and McGraw-Hill, New York. 527 pp., 1953.
- Catcheside D.G., The Genetics of Microorganisms. Pitman, New York, 223 pp., 1951.
- Fieser L.F., Fieser M., Natural Products Related to Phenanthrene. 3rd ed., Reinhold, New York., 1949.
- Lea D.E., Actions of Radiations on Living Cells. Macmillan, New York, 402 pp., 1947.
- Adolph E.F., Physiological regulations. Jacques Cattell Press, Lancaster, Pennsylvania., 1943.
- Allee W.C., The social life of animals. W.W. Norton, New York, 293 pp., 1938.
- Duggar B.M., Biological Effects of Radiation. 2 vols, McGraw-Hill, New York., 1936.
- Gause G.F., The Struggle for Existence. Williams and Williams, Baltimore, 163 pp., 1934.
- Calkins G.N., The biology of the Protozoa. Philadelphia, Lea and Febiger, 1933.
- Dobell C., Anthony van Leeuwenhoek and His "Little Animals". 435 pp, Harcourt Brace, New York., 1932.
- Allee W.C., Animal aggregations. Unviersity of Chicago Press, 431 pp., 1931.
- Kalmus H., Paramecium: Das Pantoffeltierchen. Gustav Fischer, Jena, 88 pp., 1931.
- Gray J., Ciliary Movement. Macmillan, New York., 1928.
- Doflein F., Reichenow E., Lehrbuch der Protzoenkunde. 5th ed., G. Fischer, Jena., 1928.
- Cole F.J., The History of Protozoology, University of London Press, 64 pp., 1926.
- Erdmann R., Endomixis bei Paramecium bursaria. Sitzungsber. Ges. Naturforsch. Freunde Berlin. pp. 24-27, 1925.
- Hartmann M., Allegemeine Morphologie und Physiologie der Protozoen. Lehrb. Mikrobiol. 1, G. Fischer, Jena., 1919.
- Jennings H.S., Behavior of the lower organisms. Columbia Univ. Press, New York., 1906.
- Doflein F., Die Protozoan als Parasiten und Krankheitserrrger nach biologischen Gesichtapunkten dargestellt. G. Fischer, Jena, 274 pp. (Subsequently considered as the 1st ed. of Doflein's and then Doflein and Reichenow's "Lehrbuch der Protozoenkunde."), 1901.
- Delage Y., Herouard E., La Cellule at les Prozaires. Traite Zoologie Concr春e. Vol. 1, Schleicher Fr俊es, Paris, 584 pp., 1896.
- Binet A., Psychic Life of Microorganisms. Open Court Publishing Co., Chicago, 120 pp., 1889.
- Entz G., Studien 歟er Protisten. pp. 1-464, Verlag der K. U. Naturwissenschaftl. Gesselschaft, Budapest., 1888.
- Entz G., Ueber die Natur der "Chlorophyllk嗷penchen" niederer Thiere. Biologisches Centralblatt, 646 pp., 1881-82.
- deBary A., Die Erscheinung der Symbiose, Trubner, Strasburg., 1879.
- Haeckel E., Generelle Morphologie der Organismen. II. Allgemeine Entiwicklungsgeschichte der Organsimen. G. Reimer, Berlin, 462 pp., 1866.
- Frey H., Das einfachste thierische Leben. Monatsschr. Wiss. Vereins Zurich., 1858.
- Ehrenberg C.G., Abhandl. d. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Berlin. Druckerei der K嗜igl. Adad. der Wissensch. Berlin., 1833.
- Ledermuller M.F., Mikroskopische Gem殳hs- und Augenerg嗾zungen. N殲nberg., 1760-65.
- Joblot L., Descriptions et usages de plusieurs nouveaux microscopes ... avec de nouvelles observations (etc.), Paris., 1718.
- Buonanni F., Observationes circa Viventia. Rome., 1691.
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