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Public Domain Image Databases for Taxonomic Research and Education:
A Case Study, Protist Image Database


1. Green, D.G. (1994) Databasing diversity - a distributed, public-domain approach, Taxon 43: 51-62. URL; http://life.csu.edu.au/~dgreen/papers/taxon.html
2. Tsukii, Y., Kihara, A., and Ugawa, Y. (1995) Distributed public domain databases (DPDD) of biological information on Internet: An introduction of a color image database for Japanese ants, Japanese Journal of Computer Science, 2: 5-13 (in Japanese). URL; http://protist.i.hosei.ac.jp/ProtistInfo/JJCS/E/index.htm (in English)
3. Tsukii, Y., and Kihara, A (1999) Research on the support system for databasing bio-resource information., In: Proceeding of JST Symposium "Fundamental research and development for databasing and networking culture collection information", pp. 53-59, abstracts in English.

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