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Public Domain Image Databases for Taxonomic Research and Education:
A Case Study, Protist Image Database

Consulting other volunteer databases

Beside constructing our own database, we have been consulting other volunteer databases (Tsukii et al., 1995). Since 1997, we have been working on a project, "Construction of Biological Image Databases" (or shortly "Soken-Taxa project", URL; http://taxa.soken.ac.jp/) at the Graduate University for Advanced Studies, where we are consulting or assisting construction of image databases on various organisms as follows:

1. Japanese Ant Color Image Database
URL; http://taxa.soken.ac.jp/Ant.WWW/INDEXE.HTML
2. Marine Mammal Stranding Database
URL; http://svrsh1.kahaku.go.jp/index.htm
3. Mammalian Crania Picture Archive
URL; http://1kai.dokkyomed.ac.jp/mammal/en/mammal.html
4. Mouse Image Database
URL; http://mouse.miyazaki-med.ac.jp:591/mouse1/
5. Morning Glories Database
URL; http://taxa.soken.ac.jp/Asagao/Yoneda/menu.html
6. Makino Type Specimen Database
URL; http://wwwmakino.shizen.metro-u.ac.jp/database.htm

Recently, many other volunteer image databases on taxonomy of various organisms are arising here in Japan.

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