Distributed public domain databases (DPDD) of biological information on Internet:
An Introduction of a Color Image Database for Japanese Ants
1. Introduction
The use of the Internet has grown rapidly in recent years. It is now used for a diverse range of scientific activities. It is used not only for the exchange of information between two persons or between larger numbers of people (E-mail, mailing lists, newsletters, electronic journals,etc.) but also for the exchange of information related to particular research topics between particular groups of researchers. Establishment of electronic libraries and the exchange of manuscripts of papers prior to publication are also becoming widespread with the goal of disseminating data and information between many researchers.
In fields related to life sciences, a marked trend recently has been the establishment of distributed public-domain databases (DPDD) for the sharing of research information. This paper will introduce the DPDD and discuss its significance in scientific activity. The latter half of this paper will present an example of a DPDD, the color image database for Japanese ants, which has been established jointly by us and the Myrmecological Society of Japan.
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Japanese Journal of Computer Science Vol.2, No.1: pp.5-13
Copyright 1995 by The Myrmecological Society of Japan (for English version) and The Japanese Association of Computer Science (for Japanese version),