Distributed public domain databases (DPDD) of biological information on Internet:
An Introduction of a Color Image Database for Japanese Ants
As knowledge of biological science requires compilation of a large amount of relevant information, which has been rapidly increasing in recent years, databasing of this information will be an essential feature of biology in the upcoming century. Distributed, public-domain databases (DPDD) on the Internet offer solutions to the problems that hinder the compilation of information.
DPDD will especially play an important role in taxonomy where researchers have had difficulty in accessing information because of the widely scattered type specimens. In cooperation with the Myrmecological Society of Japan, we constructed a color image database for Japanese ants, in which type specimens are replaced with digitized color images which are replicable without any loss of information. Our database is now accessable from Internet (http://www.dna.affrc.go.jp/htdocs/Ant.WWW/htmlsE/index.htm) and also available on CD-ROM.
Contents ::: Forward
Japanese Journal of Computer Science Vol.2, No.1: pp.5-13
Copyright 1995 by The Myrmecological Society of Japan (for English version) and The Japanese Association of Computer Science (for Japanese version),