Heterotrichida: Stentoridae
Stentor muelleri
Ehrenberg 1831
Cell body slenderly trumpet shaped, 500-1000 μm long when fully extended;
macronucleus moniliform (10-20 macronuclear beads);
cortical granules colourless; without symbiotic green algae
(Foissner and Wölfl, 1994).
Stentor muelleri (Müller) Ehrenberg ?,
macronulceus moniliform but subnuclei gathering as the cell division process proceeds,
x 100, x 400, Vermont-Maine U.S.A., August 7-13, 1999, by Y. Tsukii
50 μm
100 μm
150 μm; x 400
A dividing cell, macronucleus gathered at the center, x 100, x 200, x 400
Stentor polymorphus (Müller 1773) Ehrenberg, 1830:
Colorless; with synbiotic Chlorella; 1-2 mm long when extended;
macronucleus beaded; anterior end expanded (Kudo, 1966).
Elongate, may attain 1-2 mm; peristome wide; macronucleus moniliform;
no somatic bristles; colourless but zoochlorellae may be present (Carey, 1992).
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