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Litostomatea: Haptoria: Pleurostomatida: Litonotidae

Loxophyllum sp.
Dujardin, 1841

Loxophyllum Genus: Ventral side with a hyaline border, reaching posterior end and bearing trichocysts; dorsal side with either similar trichocyst-border or with trichocyst-warts (Kudo, 1966).

Loxophyllum sp. ( ?), cell body 32-34 μm long, 14 μm wide, 2 macronuclei ?, 5 μm in diam., x 400, x 640, Japan, 1998 by Y. Tsukii
scale 50 μm scale 100 μm scale 150 μm; x 400 : scale 31 μm scale 63 μm scale 94 μm; x 640
Loxophyllum Loxophyllum Loxophyllum

L. rostratum Cohn, 1866: 100-180 μm long; well-defined neck region anterior; posteriorly rounded; ventral edge sinuous; a flattened band along both sides; two ovoid macronuclei; a single contractile vacuole posterior (Carey, 1992).

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