Genus: Body more or less ovo-cylindrical; rigid with spirally striated pellicle; often with a short posterior spinous projection; stigma sometimes present; discoidal chromatophores (chloroplasts) numerous and marginal; paramylum bodies usually large and ring-shaped, laterally disposed; without pyrenoids; fresh water (Kudo, 1966). Chloroplasts small disc-shaped, without pyrenoids (An Illustrated Guide to Freshwater Zooplankton in Japan, 2000).
Google Image Search
Similar species --> L. wangi; L. steinii; L. teres;
L. marssonii
var. marssonii
cell 37 μm
Mihashi Park
Saitama, 2002![]()
L. marssonii
var. marssonii
cell 37 x 12 μm
Sakitama-kofun p.
Saitama, 2004![]()
L. marssonii
var. marssonii
cell 35 x 13 μm
water reservoir
near Yamaguchi Univ.
Yamaguchi, 2004![]()
L. marssonii
29 x 7 μm
Japan, 199?![]()
L. marssonii
28 x 11 μm
near Nan-ko
Fukushima, 2003![]()
L. marssonii
38 x 11 μm
Chiba, 2003![]()
L. marssonii
L. ovum ?
24-28 x 12-17 μ
Kahan Park
Tochigi, 2003![]()
L. marssonii
L. ovum ?
36 x 11 μ
Nanbata castle p.
Saitama, 2005![]()
L. marssonii
38 x 10 μm
Izumo Shrine
Shimane, 2006