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Euglenophyceae: Euglenales
Mastigophora: Euglenida

Euglena hemichromata

Euglena hemichromata Species: Cells 82-92 μm long, 16-22 μm broad; moderately to strongly metabolic; elongate-fusiform to cylindrical, anterior end truncated to rounded, posterior end swelling slightly and constricted into a short non-hyaline cauda, 2-4 μm; periplast spirally striated; chloroplast numerous, without pyrenoid, discoid, parietal, distribute at the posterior portion of cell; paramylon grains very numerous, rod-shaped or discoid, locate at the anterior portion of the cell; nucleus spherical, 5-9 μm in diameter, located at the back portion of the cells; locomotory flagellum one half body length, 42 μm; eyespot curved lamella-shaped, with the convex face outward , prominent, red to orange color, 2.5 μm in diameter (by Chi Ling Wang at National Chia-Yi Teacher's College, Taiwan).

Euglena (hemichromata ?), cell body 95 μm long, 24 μm wide, a nucleus located at posterior end, x 640, Shukei-ike (pond), Mihashi Park, Saitama city (Omiya), Saitama Pref., Japan, October 2002 by Y. Tsukii
scale 31 μm scale 63 μm scale 94 μm; x 640
Euglena Euglena Euglena

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