Genus: Postoral kineties usually to left of oral poykinetids (Illustrated Guide, 1985). Left edge is more curved than right edge; cytopharynx with numerous strong fibrils; ectoplasm with numerous fusiform trichocysts; macronucleus oval; one to several micronulei (Kudo, 1966).
Species: Ovoid, 60-100 μm long; cytostome ovoid; a single macronucleus and single micronucleus anterior; a single contractile vacuole central; numerous large trichocysts (Carey, 1992). Cell body 60-150 μm long (Kahl, 1930).
F. acuminata var. angusta: Cell body 80-100 μm long (Kahl, 1930).
Google Image Search
RAPD tree of Frontonia (Tsukii, Jpn. J. Protozool., vol. 36, 2002)
F. acuminata
116-130 x 65-70 μm
Japan, 1998![]()
F. acuminata
120 x 70 μm
Japan, 1998![]()
F. acuminata
100-122 μm
Japan, 1999![]()
F. acuminata
Azure C staining
Japan, 1999![]()
F. acuminata
80 μm
Gunma, 2001![]()
F. acuminata
stock Tou-1
69 μm
Ujiie (Sakura)
Tochigi, 2001![]()
F. acuminata
stock Kgy-2
Yaku Island
Kagoshima, 2001![]()
F. acuminata
85 x 45 μm
near Karakemi m.
Yaku Island
Omachi, 2005![]()
F. acuminata
78 x 42 μm
Numa-no-hara m.
Madarao highland
Niigata, 2005
DV images ![]()
1 Mic.
Yaku Island
Kagoshima, 2001![]()
1 Mic.
Ujiie (Sakura)
Tochigi, 2001