![]() Species:
* Chilodontopsis hisionensis Ozaki & Yagiu, 1941: Body long ellipsoid, dorsoventrally flattened, anterior rounded, posterior slightly pointed; anterior projected toward left; 150-200 μm long, 45-60 μm wide; cytostome located at antero-ventral side; cyrtos consists of 16 rods; a single macronucleus ellipsoid, with a micronucleus; 5-6 contractile vacuoles in posterior half of the body (Kojima, et al., 1995).
Chilodontopsis simplex Ozaki & Yagiu, 1941: Elongate, 110 μm long; a large cytopharyngeal basket of the "cyrtos" type; slightly expanded anterior, posterior rounded; macronucleus large & ovoid; single contractile vacuole (Carey, 1992).
Chilodontopsis numerosa Ozaki & Yagiu, 1941: Elongate, anterior expaneded & posterior rounded; 200-250 μm long; single macronucleus ovoid or reniform; numerous large contractile vacuoles (Carey, 1992).
Chilodontopsis oblonga (Maupas, 1883) Kahl, 1931: Elongate, 100-120 μm long; posterior tapers, but anterior not expanded; cytopharyngeal apparatus typical of the genus; a large and ovoid macronucleus; single contractile vacuole terminal (Carey, 1992).
Chilodontopsis vorax (Stokes, 1886) Kahl, 1931: Elongate, 120-160 μm long; anterior curved to left, posterior rounded; long cytopharyngeal basket (Carey, 1992).