Mischococcales: Pleurochloridaceae
Goniochloris pseudogigas
(Bourrelly) Bourrelly
(Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).
(Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa 3, Xanthophyceae 1, 1978).
Goniochloris pseudogigas (Bourrelly) Bourrelly,
cell body μm long, μm wide, L/W=,
x 640, Kitafukuda mizube park, Yuri-Honjo city, Akita Pref., Japan, September 28, 2008 by Y. Tsukii
31 μm
63 μm
94 μm; x 640
Images of collecting locality:
Kitafukuda mizube park, Yuri-Honjo city, Akita Pref., Japan, September 28, 2008 by Y. Tsukii
Please click on images for viewing enlarged.
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