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Spirotrichea: Stichotrichida: Urostylina: Urostylidae

Uroleptus musculus
(Müller, 1786) Stein

Family: Frontal cirri differ in size and/or pattern from ventral ones of files; "collar" extends short distance along right edge of body; oral area not U-shaped (Illustrated Guide, 1985).
Genus: Elongate body drawn out into a tail-like portion; 3 frontals; 2-4 rows of ventral cirri; marginals; no transverse cirri; sometimes rose- or violet-colored (Kudo, 1966). Frontventral cirri in zig-zag files; rear half narrowed, tail-like (Illustrated Guide, 1985).


Uroleptus musculus (Müller, 1786) Stein ?, cell body inflexible, long ellipsoidal, bluntly pointed at posterior end, 146 μm long, 44 μm wide, three cirral files, marginal cirri confluent at rear, macronucleus moniliform, transverse cirri absent or very small (indistinguishable from caudal cirri), 4 (?) transverse cirri, x 400, Japan, April 1999, by Y. Tsukii
scale 50 μm scale 100 μm scale 150 μm; x 400

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