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Gamophyceae: Zygnematales: Zygnemataceae

Spirogyra sp.

Spirogyra Genus: Filament without branching; cell body cylindrical; one or several chloroplasts band-shaped, spirally arranged within the cell, pyrenoids present; septum with or without folded structure (Guide book to the "Photomicrographs of the Freshwater Algae", 1998). About 300 species (Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).

Spirogyra sp. Link 1820, cell body μm long, 24 μm wide, a single band-form chloroplast making 4.5 turns in each cell, x 400, x 640, Norin Park (Agricultural and Forest park), Kawamoto town, Saitama Pref., Japan, August 16, 2004 by Y. Tsukii
scale 100 μm scale 200 μm scale 300 μm; x 200 : scale 50 μm scale 100 μm scale 150 μm; x 400
Spirogyra Spirogyra Spirogyra

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