Micronuclear process during conjugation
in Paramecium caudatum

Diagram showing micronuclear process

Diagram showing micronuclear process during conjugation in P. caudatum;
by A. Yanagi

Figure showing time course of micronuclear events during conjugation
in P. caudatum; by A. Yanagi

Metapase of the first meiotic division

P. caudatum; conjugating pairs; A, metapase of the first meiotic division;
B, the first meiotic division; C, the stage just before nuclear exchange;
living cells observed by differential-interference-contrast microscopy;
by A. Yanagi

P. caudatum; conjugating pair at metapase of the first meiotic division;
A, normal; B, abnormal pycnosis induced by vinblastine; double-stained
by Feulgen reaction and Fast green; by A. Yanagi

Second meiotic division

P. caudatum; conjugating pair at the second meiotic division; A, normal;
B, round-shaped micronuclei induced by vinblastine; living cells observed
by differential-interference-contrast microscopy; by A. Yanagi

Second meiotic division to the stage of nuclear exchange

P. caudatum; conjugating pairs from the second meiotic division to
the stage of nuclear exchange; living cells observed by
phase-contrast microscopy; by A. Yanagi

P. caudatum; conjugating pairs from the second meiotic division to the
stage of nuclear exchange; stained by Feulgen reaction; by A. Yanagi

Just before nuclear exchange

P. caudatum; conjugating pair at the stage just before nuclear exchange;
A, normal; B, abnormal pycnosis induced by vinblastine; double-stained
by Feulgen reaction and Fast green; by A. Yanagi

Nuclear exchange

P. caudatum; conjugating pairs at the stage of nuclear exchange; A,
living pair observed by differential-interference-contrast microscopy;
B, stained by Feulgen reaction; by A. Yanagi

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