Protist Movie Database

Euglenophyceae: Euglenales
Mastigophora: Euglenida: Euglenina

Euglena oxyuris
Revised as Lepocinclis oxyuris (Marin, B. et al., Protist 154: 99-145, 2003)

Species: 150-500 μm long, 20-40 μm wide; cylindrical, almost always twisted; anterior end rounded, posterior end pointed; numerous discoid chloroplasts; two ovoid paramylon (paramylum) bodies; stigma large; sluggish (Kudo, 1966). Body flattened, twisted, with longitudinal groove; two oval paramylon (paramylum) rings (How to know the protozoa, 1979). Anterior end rounded compared to that of E. tripteris.

Euglena oxyuris Schmarda ??, cell body μm long, μm wide, Japan, 1998 by Y. Tsukii

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