Genus: Ovoid to cylindrical; ciliation uniform; oral basket made up of double trichites which end up deep in ectoplasm; contractile vacuole terminal (Kudo, 1966). Brosse as 3 longitudinal files (Illustrated Guide, 1985). Body ellipsoidal, ovoid or cylindrical in shape; cytosotme apical, circular; cytopharynx equipped with well-developed double nematodesmata; somatic ciliation uniform, kinetosomes paired; macronucleus ovoid, reniform or ellongate; as many species descriptions are insufficient, many are indistinguishable (Carey, 1992).
P. moebiusi
5 clips
213 x 75 μm
Japan, 1998![]()
P. moebiusi
3 clips
210 x 105 μm
Japan, 1998![]()
P. viridis ?
2 clips
Japan, 1998