Protist Movie Database

Nassophorea: Peniculida: Frontoniina: Lembadionidae

Lembadion bullinum
Perty, 1852

Genus (Perty, 1849): Oral cavity large, over most of ventrum; oral cilia as 1 long polykinetid (Illustrated Guide, 1985). Oval; dorsal side convex, ventral side concave; cytostome 3/4 to 4/5 the body length; on its left with a large membrane composed of may ciliary rows; contractile vacuole in mid-dorsal region; macronucleus ellipsoid, subterminal; a micronuleus; caudal cilia (Kudo, 1966).
Species: Large, ovoid, 120-200 μm long; oral aperture (cytostome) extends almost to the posterior of the cell; a tuft of caudal cilia posterior; contractile vacuole dorsal; macronucleus ovoid and curved (Carey, 1992). 120-200 μm long; posterior cilia 40-50 μm long (Kudo, 1966). Body elliptical; long cytostome 3/4 body length; with large undulatory membrane on left oral margin; macronucleus kidney-shaped, near rear end; fresh water (How to know the protozoa, 1979).

Lembadion bullinum ?, cell body 90 μm long, 47 μm wide, cytostome 85 μm long, 30 μm wide, cytostome extends almost to the posterior of the cell, cytostome/cell body= 0.94, caudal cilia ??, x 400, x 640, Japan, 1998 by Y. Tsukii

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