Protist Movies

Phyllopharyngea: Cyrtophorida: Chlamydodontina: Chilodonellidae


Family: Anterior preoral kinetal arcs of all, body tapers at forward end (Illustrated Guide, 1985). Thigmotactic zone broad but no specialized adhesive area; cell body broad and flattened dorsoventrally; broad lobe projects to the left of the body; no isolated rows of somatic ciliature (Carey, 1992).
Genus: Cell body ovoid, with pre-oral suture skewed left to a point; ventrally flattened, dorsally convex (How to know the protozoa, 1979). With distinct postoral ? beak or unciliated field in ventral body cilia; preoral kinety complete (Illustrated Guide, 1985). Dorsal surface lacks bristles (cf. with bristles Trithigmostoma) ; central zone devoid of cilia (Carey, 1992).

Chilodonella sp., tape No. 0300, time code 0000, xxxx, xxxx city, xxxx Pref. Japan, Month Day, Year by Y. Tsukii

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