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Euglenophyceae: Euglenales
Mastigophora: Euglenida

Euglena proxima
Dangeard, 1901

Species: cell body spindle-form, plastic, (50)-78-85-(95) μm long, 14.5-19 (21) μm wide; flagellum 1-1.5 times longer than body; pellicle with herical lines; ; many discoid chloroplasts; no pyrenoids; many rod-shaped paramyllum bodies (Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).
Cells 46~86μm long, 12~25μm broad; moderately metabolic; fusiform or sometimes cylindrical, anterior end slightly narrowed and rounded, posterior end conically attenuated into a short, pointed hyaline cauda; pellicle spirally striated, 9~11 striae per 10μm; chloroplasts numerous, parietal, without pyrenoid, disk-shaped, 4~6μm in diameter; paramylon grains numerous, small oval to rod-shaped, scattered throughout the protoplasm; nucleus spherical, lying just behind the middle, 10~16μm in diameter; eyespot prominent, large, curved lamella-shaped with convex face outward, 4~7μm in length; locomotory flagellum, one to one and half body length, easily shedding; movement slowly swimming and rotating. (by Chi Ling Wang)
Google Image Search
E. proxima
Taiwan, 199?
Euglena proxima
E. proxima ?
98 μm
Saitama, 1999
E. proxima
85 x 22 μm
near Akai wetland
Fukushima, 2005
Euglena proxima
E. proxima
78 μm
Japan, 199?
Euglena proxima
E. proxima
76-101 μm
Saitama, 1999
E. proxima
75 x 17 μm
Saitama, 2004
E. proxima ?
66 x 18 μm
Saitama, 2001
E. proxima ?
60 x 17 μm
Saitama, 2001
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Euglena proxima
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