Gamophyceae: Zygnematales: Desmidiaceae

Staurastrum punctulatum
[Brébisson] Ralfs

Staurastrum punctulatum Species: Cell body 24-40.5 μm long, 21-36.5 μm wide, isthmus 8.4-16 μm; semicells slightly twisted with each other; apical view triangular with each margin slightly convexed; side view elliptical diamond-shaped; cell wall covered with granules regularly arranged around each arm (Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).

Staurastrum punctulatum [Brébisson] Ralfs (or S. alternans ?), cell body ?? μm long, 36 μm wide, L/W=, isthmus 11 μm wide, x 640, Azami-ike (pond), Norikura highland, Azumi, Matsumoto city (formerly Azumi village), Nagano Pref., Japan, June 8, 2006 by Y. Tsukii
scale 31 μm scale 63 μm scale 94 μm; x 640
Staurastrum Staurastrum Staurastrum Staurastrum

Images of collecting locality: Azami-ike (pond), Norikura highland, Azumi, Matsumoto city (formerly Azumi village), Nagano Pref., Japan, June 8, 2006 by Y. Tsukii

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