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Gamophyceae: Zygnematales: Desmidiaceae

Staurastrum kouwetsii

Staurastrum kouwetsii Subgenus: lacks arm-like projections (Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977)
Species: Cell body 42-50 μm long, 42-50 μm wide,
St. kowetsii resembles St. brebissonii but differs by stouter and less closely inserted cell wall spines (Coesel & Meesters, Desmids of the Lowlands, KNNV Publishing, 2007).

Staurastrum kouwetsii Coesel, cell body μm long, μm wide, x 640, Senjo-ga-hara (marsh), Nikko city, Tochigi Pref., Japan, September 2003 by Y. Tsukii
scale 31 μm scale 63 μm scale 94 μm; x 640
Staurastrum pilosum Staurastrum pilosum Staurastrum pilosum Staurastrum pilosum Staurastrum pilosum

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