Species :
Vegetative cells 125-500 μm long,
125-150 μm diam.,
3-8 chloroplasts making 0.4-5 turns in each cell;
zygotes (zygospores) ellipsoid, 160-255 μm long, 100-140 μm wide
(Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).
Spirogyra ellipsospora Transeau,
cell body 328 μm long, 124 μm wide,
5 band-form chloroplasts making 2.5 turns in each cell,
x 100, x 200, x 400, x 640, Kabuto-yama sizen-kansatsu ike (pond), Kabuto-yama, Nishi-no-miya city, Hyogo Pref., Japan, September 10, 2004 by Y. Tsukii 50 μm
100 μm
150 μm; x 400 :
31 μm
63 μm
94 μm; x 640
x 640
Zygotes (zygospores) 160 μm long, 110 μm wide, x 100, x 200