Gromiida: Gromiina: Pseudodifflugiidae
Plagiophrys sp.
(Claparéde & Lachmann, 1858), emend Penard, 1902
Genus: Test elastic, punctate; pseudostome round;
few plate-like attached particles (Illustrated Guide, 1985).
Envelope (test) thin, hyaline, changeable with body form; usually elongate-oval
with rounded posterior end; narrowed at other half; envelope finely punctated with a few small plates;
aperture round; cytoplasm clear (Kudo, 1966).
Similar Genus -->> Baileya
Plagiophrys sp.,
test 60 μm long, 38 μm wide,
x 640, O-ike (pond), O-ike park, Yabuki town, Fukushima Pref., Japan, August 2003, by Y. Tsukii
50 μm
100 μm
150 μm; x 400 :
31 μm
63 μm
94 μm; x 640
Plagiophrys parvipunctata Penard, 1902:
Cell body 45-55 μm long, 18-20 μm wide,
10-12 μm thick; test ovoid, clear, flexible; cross section oval,
punctate, attached particles; pseudostome round 4-5 μm;
nucleus spherical, no endosome (Illustrated guide, 1985).
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