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Filosea: Gromiida: Gromiina: Chlamydophryidae

Lecythium sp.
Hertwig & Lesser, 1874

Lecythium Family: Test round, thick, firm, with rod-like radial structure (Illustrated Guide, 1985).
Genus: Test consisting of a thin, flexible, homogeneous envelope, colorless or translucent, without adherent paticles; pseudostome terminal, elastic; cytoplasm colorless, granular, completely filling the test; nucleus large, placed posteriorly; pseudopodia numerous, long, branching but not anastomosing (Cash & Wailes, 1915). Pseudostome oval, cells clustered (Illustrated Guide, 1985).
Similar Genus -->> Chlamydophrys

Lecythium sp., cells clustered, test smooth, round, 16 μm diam., fresh water, x 400, x 640, Japan, 1998 by Y. Tsukii
scale 50 μm scale 100 μm scale 150 μm; x 400 : scale 31 μm scale 63 μm scale 94 μm; x 640
Lecythium Lecythium Lecythium
Lecythium Lecythium Lecythium Lecythium

Lecythium hyalinum (Ehrenberg, 1838): Test like Chlamydophrys, 30-40 μm diam., pseudostome round, 15-20 μm; nucleus spherical, 15-20 μm (Illustrated Guide, 1985).

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*: Cienkowski (Kudo, 1960)
Cienkowsky (Illustrated Guide, 1985)