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Heliozoea: Centrohelida

Raphidiophrys sp.
Archer, 1876

Heliozoa Genus: Free-living; skeleton with or without coat; spicules included in a coat more or less visible; radial siliceous spicules; ordered spicules (Illustrated Guide, 1985). Mucilaginous envelope with spindle-shaped or discoidal spicules which extend normally outwards along pseudopodia (Kudo, 1966).

Raphidiophrys sp., cell body 35 μm wide, x 640, rice field, Tsukamoto, Sakura-ku, Saitama city, Saitama Pref., Japan, October 24, 2004 by Y. Tsukii
scale 31 μm scale 63 μm scale 94 μm; x 640
Raphidiophrys Raphidiophrys Raphidiophrys Raphidiophrys

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