Rabdiophrys sp.
Rainer, 1968
Genus: Outer envelop made of two kinds of siliceous element; tangential scales or pearls and radial
spicules (Illustrated Guide, 1985).
Similar genus ->> Nuclearia;
Rabdiophrys sp. (? or Heterophrys Heterophryidae),
cell body spherical, about 50 μm in diam.,
x 400, Japan, 1997 by Y. Tsukii
50 μm
100 μm
150 μm; x 400
Heterophrys Archer: Spherical; mucilaginous envelope thick; with numerous radial, chitinous
spicules which project beyond periphery; nucleus eccentric; axial filaments originate in a central
granule (Kudo, 2966).
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