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Dinophyceae: Peridiniales: Peridinaceae
Dinoflagellida: Diniferina: Peridiniidae

Peridinium volzii
Lemmermann, 1905

Peridinium volzii Genus (Ehrenberg): Body round to polygonal; cingulum median, deep; thecal plates 5-6 in cingulum; some with apical and antapical horn (Illustrated Guide, 1985). Epicone (or epitheca) consists of 11-14 thecal plates; hypocone (or hypotheca) of 7-8 thecal plates (Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).

Peridinium volzii Lemmermann 1905 ?, cell body 52 μm long, 48 μm wide, L/W=, x 640, a small pond at Kowashimizu, Suwa city, Nagano Pref., Japan, May 21, 2005 by Y. Tsukii
scale 31 μm scale 63 μm scale 94 μm; x 640
Peridinium Peridinium Peridinium

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