Ochromonadales: Ochromonadaceae
Chrysomonadida: Ochromonadidae
Monas sp.
Genus: Solitary or colonial; body surface delicate; one to two chloroplasts; usually with a stigma;
fresh water (Kudo, 1966).
One to several chloroplasts; pyrenoid and/or eyespot (stigma) in some; cells naked, globular,
ellipsoidal or pyriform (Illustrated Guide, 1985).
Monas sp. ?,
cell body 14 μm long, 12 μm wide,
a long flagellum 27 μm in length, a short flagellum about 5 μm in length,
x 400, x 640, Japan, 1998 by Y. Tsukii
20 μm
40 μm
60 μm; x 1000
O. mutabilis Klebs: Ovoid to spherical; plastic;
15-30 μm long,
8-22 μm wide (Kudo, 1966).
Resembles Chromulina; 1-2 chloroplasts; usually a stigma (How to know the protozoa, 1979).
O. granularis Doflein: 5-12 μm long;
no stigma (Kudo, 1966).
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