Heterotrichida: Condylostomatidae
Condylostoma sp.
Bory, 1826 (1824?)
Genus: Body ellipsoid; anterior end truncate; posterior end rounded; peristome wide and V-shaped;
a large membrane on right edge and adoral zone on left; macronucleus moniliform (Kudo, 1966).
Cell body ovoid, 180 μm long,
anterior truncated, peristome wide triangular, posterior rounded with a slight bump terminal,
three large macronuclei, no contractile vacuole ?, kineties spiral (Carey, 1992).
Condylostoma sp.,
cell body 45 μm long, 22 μm wide,
x 640, Ikenokochi (or Ikenokouchi) marsh, Tsuruga city, Fukui Pref., Japan, September 11, 2004 by Y. Tsukii
31 μm
63 μm
94 μm; x 640
C. vastum Bock, 1955:
Cell body ovoid, 180 μm long,
anterior truncated, peristome wide triangular, posterior rounded with a slight bump terminal,
three large macronuclei, no contractile vacuole ?, kineties spiral (Carey, 1992).
C. nigra Dragesco, 1960:
cell body small, ovoid, rounded at both ends, 300 μm long,
peristome small, but undulating membrane large, macronucleus moniliform, contractile vauoles
along both edges of the body, dark blue mucocysts present (Carey, 1992).
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