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Prostomatea: Prorodontida: Colepidae

Coleps heteroacanthus

Coleps heteroacanthus Genus: Body form barrel-shaped; with regularly arranged ectoplasmic plates; cytostome at anterior end, surrounded by slightly longer cilia; often spinous projection at or near posterior end; one or more long caudal cilia (Kudo, 1966).
Species: Cell body about 90 μm long, 35 μm wide; anterior spines only one side; posterior spines many (?); caudal cilium present (Kudo, 1966).

Coleps heteroacanthus Noland, cell body μm long, μm wide, L/W=, x 640, No.1, Karakemi marsh, Yasaka, Omachi city (formerly Yasaka village), Nagano Pref., Japan, June 1, 2008 by Y. Tsukii
scale 31 μm scale 63 μm scale 94 μm; x 640
Coleps heteroacanthus Coleps heteroacanthus Coleps heteroacanthus
Coleps heteroacanthus Coleps heteroacanthus Coleps heteroacanthus
Coleps heteroacanthus Coleps heteroacanthus Coleps heteroacanthus Coleps heteroacanthus Coleps heteroacanthus

Images of collecting locality: No.1, Karakemi marsh, Yasaka, Omachi city (formerly Yasaka village), Nagano Pref., Japan, June 1, 2008 by Y. Tsukii

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