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Spirotrichea: Stichotrichia: Stichotrichina: Amphisiellidae

Amphisiella sp.
Gourret and Roeser, 1888

Amphisiella Family: Cirri in 2 marginal, 1 frontoventral files; cirral files straight; more than 1 frontoventral file extends past middle of body (Illustrated Guide, 1985).
Genus: Elongate, some species with a pronouced head region; body often twistes and flexes during locomotion; three rows of ventral cirri (2 rows of marginal cirri, 1 row of ventral cirri from Curds, 1982); frontal & V-shaped transverse cirri; transverse cirri may be very long extending beyond the posterior (Carey, 1992).

Similar Genus ->> Holosticha; Balladyna; Urostyla

Amphisiella sp. (thiophaga or similar species ?), cell body 78 μm long, 24 μm wide, L/W=3.3, 5 caudal cirri present, x 640, Tane-ike (pond), Togakushi highland, Shinano town, Nagano Pref., Japan, May 21, 2006 by Y. Tsukii
scale 31 μm scale 63 μm scale 94 μm; x 640
Amphisiella Amphisiella Amphisiella

Images of collecting locality: Tane-ike (pond), Togakushi highland, Shinano town, Nagano Pref., Japan, May 21, 2006 by Y. Tsukii

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