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Gamophyceae: Zygnematales: Desmidiaceae

Staurastrum orbiculare
var. depressum Roy et Bisset

Staurastrum orbiculare Species [ var. orbiculare ]: 33.6-44.8 μm long, 28-39 μm wide, isthmus 7-11 μm wide; semicells nearly semicircular in side view; cell wall dotted.
[ var. ralfsii W. et G.S. West ]: 31-41 μm long, 22-36 μm wide, isthmus 7-11 μm wide; semicells close to triangular in side view.
[ var. messikommeri Hirano ]: 21 μm long, 22 μm wide, isthmus 6.5 μm wide; semicells longitudinally depressed, semicircular or spindle-shaped in side view; bay opened.
[ f. subangulata Messikommer ]: 39 μm long, 29.4 μm wide, isthmus 12.6 μm wide; semicells conical in side view; bay opened
[ var. depressum Roy et Bisset ]: 19.6-29.4 μm long, 19.6-28 μm wide, isthmus 7-8.4 μm wide; semicells longitudinally depressed semicircular in side view.
[ var. hibernicum W. et G.S. West ]: Larger than var. orbiculare, 42-65 μm long, 36-56 μm wide, isthmus 9.5-20 μm wide; apex of semicells flattened (Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).
Similar species -->> Spondylosium javanicum;

Staurastrum orbiculare var. depressum Roy et Bisset ?, cell body 35 μm long, 29 μm wide, L/W=, isthmus μm wide, x 640, No.13, a marsh pond at Sensho-ga-hara, near Akita-komagadake (mountain), Shizukuishi town, Iwate Pref., Japan, August 6, 2007 by Y. Tsukii
scale 31 μm scale 63 μm scale 94 μm; x 640
Staurastrum Staurastrum Staurastrum Staurastrum

Images of collecting locality: No.13, a marsh pond at Sensho-ga-hara, near Akita-komagadake (mountain), Shizukuishi town, Iwate Pref., Japan, August 6, 2007 by Y. Tsukii

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