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Gamophyceae: Zygnematales: Desmidiaceae

Staurastrum connatum
var rectangulum Roy et Bisset
= Staurodesmus connatus (Lundell) Thomasson (Ling & Tyler, Australian Freshwater Algae, 2000)

Staurastrum connatum Species [ var. connatum ]: Cell body 22-24 μm long, 19.6-25 μm wide (excluding spines), isthmus 7-9 μm wide; spines short; semicells inverted semicircle in shape, apex flat or slightly convex.
[ var. pseudamericanum Grönblad ]: Cell body larger than v. connatum 39-45 μm long, 25-36.45 μm wide (excluding spines), isthmus 5.6-11 μm wide; corners of semicells protruded upward making its apex concave.
[ var. rectangulum Roy et Bisset ]: Cell body 14-20 μm long, 14.7-20 μm wide (without spines), isthmus 3.5-5.6 μm wide; side margins of semicells not convex; spines longer and thicker than v. connatum (Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977)

Staurastrum connatum var. rectangulum Roy et Bisset, cell body 23 μm long (excluding spiny projections, 3 μm long), 22 μm wide, L/W=, isthmus 7 μm wide, x 640, No.2, Kejo-numa, Furukawa-Ono, Osaki city (formerly Furukawa city), Miyagi Pref., Japan, October 29, 2006 by Y. Tsukii
Arthrodesmus 31 μm Arthrodesmus 63 μm Arthrodesmus 94 μm; x 640
Staurastrum connatum Staurastrum connatum

Images of collecting locality: No.2, Kejo-numa, Furukawa-Ono, Osaki city (formerly Furukawa city), Miyagi Pref., Japan, October 29, 2006 by Y. Tsukii

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