* Spiryogyra porticalis Müller Cleve: Vegetative cells 66-200 μm long, 40-50 μm diam., 1 chloroplast making 3-5 turns in each cell (Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).
** Spiryogyra daedaleoides Czurda: Vegetative cells 65-240 μm long, 29-36 μm diam., 1 chloroplast making 2.5-8 turns in each cell (Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).
Spiryogyra micropunctata Transeau: Vegetative cells 96-170 μm long, 30-34 μm diam., 1 chloroplast making 3.5-7 turns in each cell (Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).
Spiryogyra singularis Nordstedt: Vegetative cells 50-170 μm long, 29-39 μm diam., 1 chloroplast making 3-5 turns in each cell (Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).
Spiryogyra varians (Hassall) Kützing: Vegetative cells 30-70 μm long, 30-38 μm diam., 1 chloroplast making 1-4 turns in each cell (Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).
Spiryogyra bicarptrata Czurda: Vegetative cells (32-) 52-68 μm long, 38-40 μm diam., 1 chloroplast making 1-4 turns in each cell (Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).
Spiryogyra variformis Transeau: Vegetative cells 60-140 μm long, 43-50 μm diam., 1 chloroplast making 1-6.5 turns in each cell (Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).
Spiryogyra scrpboculata (Stockmayer) Czurda: Vegetative cells 56-132 μm long, 32-38 μm diam., 1 chloroplast making 1-3 turns in each cell (Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).
Spiryogyra daedalea Lagerheim: Vegetative cells (96-) 160-280 μm long, 32-36 μm diam., 1 chloroplast making 2-3.5 turns in each cell (Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).
Spiryogyra occidentalis (Transeau) Czurda: Vegetative cells 125-300 μm long, 40-50 μm diam., 1-2 or 3 chloroplasts making 1-2.5 turns in each cell (Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).