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Gamophyceae: Desmidales: Desmidiaceae
(Charophyceae: Zygnematales: Desmidiaceae)

Hyalotheca dissiliens
(Smith) Brébisson var. dissiliens (Ling & Tyler 2000)
Brébisson ex Ralfs var. dissiliens (John et al. ed. 2002); Ralfs var. dissiliens (Coesel & Meesters 2007)

Hyalotheca dissiliens Species: Cell body 14-22 μm long, 23-32 μm wide, constriction 22-.30.4 μm wide (Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977). Cell body 14-22 μm long, 23-32 μm wide, outline shape transversely rectangular, slightly constricted in the middle, vertically circular (f. dissiliens), sometimes with a slight papilla in opposite disposition (f. bidentula) or three ones equidistantly (f. tridentula); semicells subtrapeziform, lateral margin convex; cell wall punctated; filaments not twisted (Photomicrographs of the Freshwater Algae, vol. 1, 1984).

Hyalotheca dissiliens (Smith) Brébisson var. dissiliens, cell body 17 μm long, 23 μm wide, L/W=0.7, x 640, Iroha-numa (marsh), Zao mountain, Yamagata city, Yamagata Pref., Japan, July 9, 2005 by Y. Tsukii
scale 31 μm scale 63 μm scale 94 μm; x 640
Hyalotheca dissiliens Hyalotheca dissiliens Hyalotheca dissiliens

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