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Gamophyceae: Desmidales: Mesotaeniaceae
(Charophyceae: Zygnematales: Mesotaeniaceae)

Cylindrocystis cushleckae
Syn. C. brebissonii var. minor W. et G.S. West

Genus: Two chloroplasts with axis and laminae structure; axis short, laminae also short making the chloroplasts star-shaped
Species: Cell body cylindrical, very small, not broader than 10 μm; chloroplasts with longitudinal, twisting ridges (Coesel & Meesters, 2007).
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Cell body cylindrical in shape, narrower than 10 μm in width; L/W=2
C. cushleckae
35 x 9 μm
Imou bog
Aichi, 2004
C. cushleckae
37 x 9.5 μm
Riverside green l.
Chiba, 2004

Similar genus -->> Zygnema; Penium; Mesotaenium;

Please click on species name for more images.
Cylindrocystis cushleckae
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