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Gamophyceae: Zygnematales: Desmidiaceae

Cosmarium ochthodes

Cosmarium Species: Cell body large, 65-94 μm long, 48-67 μm wide, L/W=1.3, isthmus 14-27 μm wide; semicells semielliptical or ovoidal pyramid in shape; cellwall covered with large granules showing crenulated margins, 7 granules present between apical and basal corners; apex flattened with 4 granules (Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).

Cosmarium ochthodes Nordstedt (or C. margaritiferum Meneghini ?), cell body 82 μm long, 55 μm wide, L/W=1.5, isthmus 20 μm wide, x 640, Oyoshi Park, Koshigaya city, Saitama Pref., Japan, April 9, 2006 by Y. Tsukii
scale 31 μm scale 63 μm scale 94 μm; x 640
Cell body 80 μm long, 55 μm wide, L/W=1.5, isthmus 23 μm wide, x 640
Cosmarium Cosmarium Cosmarium

Images of collecting locality: Oyoshi Park, Koshigaya city, Saitama Pref., Japan, April 9, 2006 by Y. Tsukii

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