Family: Unicells or cells loosely attached forming hyphae; cell body varied in shape, a constriction at the center in most species; cell walls consisting of two or more parts, with small pores and various ornaments (Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).
Genus: Cell body small, length = width, strong constriction at its center; semicells inverted triangular, ellipsoidal, rectangular, etc. in shape; straight or slightly curved spiny projections at each corner; one pyrenoid in each semicell; cell wall smooth (Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).
Google Image Search
Section: Tetracanthum: Lateral margins lack spiny projections
-->> Genus: Staurodesmus Teiling 1948Semicells elliptical in shape ![]()
A. subulatus
var. subaequalis
or A. rhomboides ?
38 x 27 μm
USA, 1999![]()
A. subulatus
var. nordstedtii
31 x 31 μm
Uruguay, 1999![]()
A. convergens
4 samples
31-33 x 33-38 μm
2006-2008Semicells inverted semicircle/hexagonal Semicells inverted trapezoid ![]()
A. incus
18 samples
15-25 x 13-23 μm
A. controversus ?
18 x 15 μm
Tenbo marsh
Tsugaike highland
Nagano, 2005![]()
Semicells inverted quadrangular Semicells inverted triangular ![]()
A. extensus
13 samples
15-26 x 13-27 μm
A. triangularis
6 samples
var. latiusculum ?
17-22 μm
A. triangularis
6 samples
var. acuminatum ?
17-22 μm
2004-2008Section: Octacanthum: Spiny projections present at lateral margins
-->> genus Octacanthium Compère 1996 or genus Xanthidium![]()
A. octocornis
5 samples
21-31 x 17-26 μm