Cysts of Acanthamoeba
by Tsuruhara, Takashi (Tokyo Gakugei Univ.)
Small free-living amoebae belonging to the genus Acanthamoeba are the most
common amoebae found in the soil and the other various environments.
The life cycle of Acanthamoeba is divided into two stages: the trophozoite
and the cyst. The cyst of Acanthamoeba is characterized by a double walled
envelope(exocyst and endocyst).
Life cycle of Acanthamoeba spp.(Martinez, A. J.:1985)
Trophozoites of A. astronyxis (CCAP 1501/9), by T. Tsuruhara
Three groups of Acanthamoeba, by Y. Tomiyama
- Cysts of Acanthamoeba, by A. Nakanishi
- Astronyxids(1a and 1b), Polyphagids(2), Culbertsonids(3a and 3b), by A. Nakanishi
- Scanning electron micrographs by A. Nakanishi
- Electron micrographs of cysts, by Y. Hirukawa
- Schematic comparison of ostioles in the three groups, by Y. Hirukawa
- A. culbertsoni, Excystment process, by Y. Yamasaki
- Scanning electron micrographs, by Y. Yamasaki
- Encystment process, by M. Nagata
- Light & scanning electron micrographs, by M. Nagata
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