Genus: Cell body ovoid or ellipsoid; cytostome about 1/4 the body length, near anterior end, elliposoid, with inconspicuous undulating membrane on right and three membranellae on left; ciliation uniform; 30-40 ciliary rows; macronucleus rounded; a single micronucleus; a contractile vacuole; fresh water (Kudo, 1966). Long axis of opening to oral cavity and polykinetids at ~45 degree angle to long axis of body (Illustrated Guide, 1985).
->> Description at WPRNO Google Image Search
G. scintillans
50 x 34 μm
Japan, 1998![]()
G. scintillans
41-59 x 28-45 μm
cytostome 12 μm
Saitama, 1999![]()
G. scintillans
19 μm φ
Saitama, 1999![]()
G. scintillans
35 x 20 μm
cytostome 11 μm
Tochigi, 1999![]()
G. scintillans
cell 52 x 30 μm
cytostome 12 μm
cyst 13 μm φ
Saitama, 1999![]()
G. scintillans
cell 52 x 33 μm
cytostome μm
Furu-tone river
Saitama, 2004![]()
Glaucoma sp.
cytostome μm
Tango-seki p.
Chiba, 2008![]()
Glaucoma sp.2 or 1
scintillans ?
35-43 x 23-29 μm
cytostome 9 μm
Japan, 1998![]()
Glaucoma scintillans
30-50 x 16-30 μm
cytostome 9 μm
Saitama, 2001![]()
Glaucoma sp.
49-53 x 21-24 μm
cytostome 9 μm
Chiba, 2002![]()
Glaucoma ?
or Colpidium ?
25 μm
Japan, 1997